I'm Calvin Schröder, a Full Stack Software Engineer which currently lives and works in Essen Germany. I have a bachelor's degree in Applied Computer Science and extensive experience working in large software companies.
My main focus lies on everything "Micro": Microfrontends, Microservices and Microcontroller. For that purpose I mastered Javascript, Java and Rust.
Also I try to contribute my professional experience to OpenSource Projects. Check out my GitHub for information's about my OpenSource activities!
Notable Skills
Employment and Education
RWTH Aachen University (since April 2022)
Master of Science - Computer SciencePlanned graduation 2024
Deutsche Telekom IT GmbH (Since Dec. 2020)
Full Stack Software EngineerFocused on renewing legacy Architecture into Microservices for Landline Diagnosis.
- Stencil.js based OpenSource Design Systems
- single-spa Microfrontends
- Vue.js and Angular Frontends
- Java and Express based Microservices
- CI/CD and DevOps Engineering
- Kubernetes
Deutsche Telekom AG (2017-2020)
Student in integrated degree programme- Working on Java Spring based Java Monoliths. Usage of several Javascript Frontend frameworks.
- Working on different Systems introducing Microfrontends and Microservices to greenfield Projects.
Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig (2017-2020)
Bachelor of Science - Applied Computer ScienceFocus on:
- Application Development on different Platforms
- Agile Methods
- Privacy and IT Security